torek, 24. marec 2020

Class 6 - FOOD

ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Iz česa je sestavljen? Zapiši sestavine v zvezek.

Fruit or vegetable.  - Koliko izrazov za sadje in zelenjavo poznaš? Try playing different games.

Revise the food vocabulary. - Obnovi besedišče o hrani.

Find the words and do the crossword. - Poišči besede in reši križanko.

Likes and dislikes about food. - Kaj imaš rad in česa ne.

CLEAN AND GREEN - Play the game of recycling the rubbish.

torek, 17. september 2019

nedelja, 2. junij 2019

Class 5 - CLOTHES

Click here to revise clothes 1 and clothes 2.

Ti dve nalogi sta namenjeni ponavljanju izrazov za oblačila in spoznavanju novih.

petek, 1. februar 2019

sobota, 29. september 2018

Class 4 - Numbers up to 10

Nekaj vaj za ponavljanje števil do deset. Potrebujete zvočnike ali slušalke.

Watch the video to repeat the numbers. Ponovi številke.

Click on NUMBERS. A new web site will open. Move down a little to NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 10 and click on START. There you will hear the numbers and see the pictures. Find all the pairs.
In Slovene: Klikni na zgornjo povezavo in odprlo se bo novo okno. Klikni na START in potem poišči pare sličic in števila, ki ga slišiš.

You can practise writing numbers here as well. Tudi tukaj lahko vadiš zapis števil.

Click here and write the numbers. Pri tej nalogi vadiš zapis števil.
11 = eleven
12 = twelve

Click here and do the crossword. Reši križanko s števili od ena do 12.

Click on ABOUT ME. Find the game called ABOUT ME. Do the same as before. Match what you hear with the sentences. Pri tej vaji povezuješ povedi s tistim, kar slišiš.

sreda, 9. maj 2018

Class 9 - Linking words


Motherhood has both its pros and cons.
Let's weigh up the pros and cons.

There are advantages for both employers and employees in flexible working hours.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing?
Some firms may find that the advantages of using free software outweigh the disadvantages.
Online advertising can have some major advantages.
Foreign domestic investment brings important advantages through new technologies and enhanced access to overseas markets.
There can be distinct advantages in having a dominantindividual presence in the boardroom.

·      On the one hand, I think the price is fair, but on the other (hand), I really can't afford to spend that much money.

·      He's a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.

·      I'm really torn. On the one hand, I'd be starting a high-paying job doing what I've always wanted for a living. But on the other, I'd have to move halfway around the world from all my friends and family to do it.

Linking words



petek, 20. februar 2015

Class 8 - Present Perfect


Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Progressive

Result or duration: Exercise 1, Exercise 2

Certain verbs:Exercise 3

Completion or duration: Exercise 4, Exercise 5

Result or side effect: Exercise 6, Exercise 7

Since the last time or since the beginning: Exercise 8, Exercise 9

Mixed Exercises: Exercise 10, Exercise 11

Tests on Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Progressive